Thursday, 13 January 2011


In using the programme pinnacle we have been able to edit in our fighting scene to make sure that the clips don't overlap. We have also used this programme to computerise the titles of our film, as we wanted them to fit the conventions of a spoof film. We have also been able to use effects on our main titles and productions to make them look specific to a spoof, as in a film opening the titles don't just appear on the screen so for our Lovely Jubbly production company we have used a balloon effect to make the logo look more interesting for our target audience. For our Janet Blond title we have used the effect of our title folding up and ending in a circle because in the James Bond films they used a cirle around there main title so to make the link between our film and James Bond we decided to do this.
Below are some print screen shots of the editing of our titles and other editing that we have done throughout the process of our film making.

This is an effect that we added in between the two institution to make them flow one after another. 

Here is the balloon effect called 'Hollywood FX for studio' which we used on our Lovely Jubbly production company

This is the different fonts we had to choose from to do the different titles we chose a plain white font to stand out from the dark background.

This is a swirl effect animation which we used on our film title of Janet Blond we used this particular animation because it links to the similar title of James Bond which also uses a circle around the title. 

This is a print screen of how it was saved as an MPEG after it had been finalised. 

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